Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So, it's been a while...

I'm not sure I'm cut out for blogging. I've got this hilarious internal monologue happening, but it wouldn't make sense if I wrote it down. And it seems like nothing exciting ever happens to me to write about. But I'll try. Here are some updates:

First, the next time we went to Tepanyaki, everything WAS nailed down. Guess they got the message. Also, it wasn't very good. I know they're not really renowned for sushi, but seriously? My octopus was still frozen. It was a sushi-sicle, and that's not what I wanted. That might be refreshing in the summer, though. You could put frozen sashimi on popsicle sticks and....gross, man. I just got a visual. That just goes to prove what I've always said, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."

Anyway, after the still-frozen sushi, we reconvened at Nick and Erika's hotel room. There, we got tanked and dressed Angelique up in different outfits. This was very exciting for me, because I've always wanted a pet midget. If I had a midget, I'd dress it up in grown up outfits all the time. Anyway, Leak's not a midget, but she is very tiny. So it was fun to dress her up.

Then we went to W Lounge, where I met a tranny named Princess Pretty Pants. That wasn't his name, but that's what I called him. He was pungent, though. Why did he spend so much time on his hair and make up, but then neglect to EVER shower? EVER? Princess Pretty Pants, if you're out there, you have a hygiene problem. I'm telling you this because I care about you. You are a ripe little tranny.

After that, Akiko went limp. We had to carry her back to the hotel and put her to bed on the fold-out. And she kept trying to escape, claiming she was "fine to drive!" Fine to drive, but completely devoid of all motor skills? Maybe...but it was better to have her sleep at the hotel.

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